This study investigated the “Impact of Quality Assurance Activities on the Management of Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria”. Eight objectives were formulated some of which are to assess the impact of quality assurance on leadership styles, determine the impact of quality assurance on decision making and ascertain the impact of quality assurance on provision of infrastructural facilities. Eight research questions were posed some of which are what is the impact of quality assurance on leadership styles in secondary schools, in what way does quality assurance impact on decision making and how does quality assurance impact on provision of infrastructural facilities. Eight null hypotheses were postulated some of which are there is no significant difference in the opinions of respondents on the impact of quality assurance activities on leadership styles, infrastructural facilities, instructional materials and curriculum contents..Descriptive research design was adapted for the study. The review of related literature is in line with the objectives the research was on opinion of sampling. The study populations were the principals, quality assurance evaluators and teachers of secondary schools. The total population was 12,934. 4740 respondents were sample. a self develop questioner was used as an instrument for data collection. The questioner was design with five point likert type rating scale and the instrument was validated, reliability tested through pilot test and found valid of data collection. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical tool was used to analyze the eight formulated null hypotheses. the findings of this research discovered that must of the principals of secondary schools in kaduna state demonstrated good quality leadership in their schools, the study also revealed that decision making process in secondary schools has been a collective decision and not a one man show affairs, it has also been confirmed that provision of infrastructural facilities in secondary schools in kaduna state needs to be improved. The finding of this research recommended that principals should demonstrated quality leadership in their schools, decision making should not be a one man show affairs and provision of infrastructural facilities needs to be improved.